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Kotor 2 Mouse Not Working

KOTOR 1 on Windows 10 I've had a hard copy of Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic, aka KOTOR, for probably 8-11 years now. (It originally belonged to/was first played by my dad.) It worked just fine on both Windows XP and Windows 7. Here you can drag the mouse along the scale to come up with a custom DPI setting.

  1. Kotor 2 Mouse Not Working Windows 10
  2. Kotor 2 Mouse Not Working Pc
  • However my kotor 2 ends up looking like this, with the restored content mod or no, and with or without the fixed hud. The resolution of that image is 1280x1024. The EXE version is from the squizzy patch - steam version is If it makes any difference, I can run kotor 1 in widescreen perfectly fine using the right exe and uniws.
  • Welp i bought it on pc for a reason but my mouse and keyboard wont work. When i play the game i have to plug in my playstation controller. Welp i bought it on pc for a reason but my mouse and keyboard wont work. EA Star Wars™ Home Star Wars™ Battlefront Star Wars™ The Old Republic. Join the Revolution. Facebook Twitter.

RebornCdds: Hello,I installed Kotor 2 with the last version of TSLRCM (1.8.3b) and M4-78EP 1.1BEverytime I start a swoop race game on Telos, my bike is stuck in the roof and I'm not able to win the race.I know that this bug was fixed in the officials patchs and I saw a post from a moderator saying that all officials patchs are already included in the game. What can I do now?Thanks. I think I know what's going on. I also had a problem with the swoop racing in Onderon.

I re-installed the game and the two mods without applying the resolution fix and still got the same issue. So I tried messing with the graphics options.

I had Frame Buffer Effects and V-Sync turned ON and I had the problem. Then I left the Frame Buffer Effects ON and turned V-Sync OFF and was able to run my bike on the ground.So I guess it's V-Sync's fault.EDIT: Scratch that. It was fine until I completed a race. Then I got teleported to the ceiling when I started a new race.

Still in Onderon. @@EDIT 2: After finishing all the races in Onderon, I think I know why your swoop bike keeps on swooping upwards: you're clicking too fast. I noticed that if you click too early, you'll send yourself skyward. However, click just before the 1-second mark, and you're good to go.TL;DR: Click just before the 1-sec mark, and you'll be fine. I cannot believe it, i found the solution, well for me anyways.I am running the game in Windows XP SP3 compatibality mode and this solved it for me.Now my swoop is staying down.I cannot believe i did not try this (probably because game was running fine on all other aspects on my Windows 7 64-bit).I am speechless that this could solve it and feeling stupid for not trying Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode.Try this guys and i hope this solves your problem as well and that you can enjoy the game now in ALL aspects.Let me know.Regards to all. RebornCdds: Hello,I installed Kotor 2 with the last version of TSLRCM (1.8.3b) and M4-78EP 1.1BEverytime I start a swoop race game on Telos, my bike is stuck in the roof and I'm not able to win the race.I know that this bug was fixed in the officials patchs and I saw a post from a moderator saying that all officials patchs are already included in the game. What can I do now?Thanks.

There is a solution. As soon as the race countdown starts press right/left mouse button frantically a couple of times. This solves the problem. Lonewolfgk: I cannot believe it, i found the solution, well for me anyways.I am running the game in Windows XP SP3 compatibality mode and this solved it for me.Now my swoop is staying down.I cannot believe i did not try this (probably because game was running fine on all other aspects on my Windows 7 64-bit).I am speechless that this could solve it and feeling stupid for not trying Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode.Try this guys and i hope this solves your problem as well and that you can enjoy the game now in ALL aspects.Let me know.Regards to all.

UniversalWolf: Want to hear something funny? I'm running the game in XP SP3 itself, and I still have this bug!Haven't been able to fix it at all, despite trying lots of things.

Mouse stopped working

I am sorry to hear you still having this problem, but my fix was for people running better (later) operating systems like Windows 7, 8 or 8.1.I have no idea why you are struggling on Windows XP operating system because other XP users did not have the issue.Are you using GOG version (just asking to make sure). I know there were people saying they had old disc version and keeping disc in drive solved it for them but this was years and years ago.I hope you get it fixed.Regards:). Lonewolfgk: I have no idea why you are struggling on Windows XP operating system because other XP users did not have the issue. That's what I gathered from your previous discussion, since XP comp mode made it work.

No idea why it's a problem for me. Sounds like it's always been a somewhat mysterious bug.It's the latest GOG.com version. I just bought it in the recent sale bundle.I haven't tried too hard to fix it yet (I just skipped the racing because it's not a huge part of the game anyway), so there's still hope I'll find a solution.

If I do, I'll post it here. Lonewolfgk: I cannot believe it, i found the solution, well for me anyways.I am running the game in Windows XP SP3 compatibality mode and this solved it for me.Now my swoop is staying down.I cannot believe i did not try this (probably because game was running fine on all other aspects on my Windows 7 64-bit).I am speechless that this could solve it and feeling stupid for not trying Windows XP SP3 compatibility mode.Try this guys and i hope this solves your problem as well and that you can enjoy the game now in ALL aspects.Let me know.Regards to all.

Heya everyone,I'm not sure if it was the good section to do this, but I didn't see any other so here I am. As you can see I'm not a runner of this game, not yet, but I have played countless hours on KotOR and I had the displeasure of trying to make it work on Windows 10. Now there are already guides on the internet, but I figured a guide here would be cool for people trying to begin the speedrun and not wanting to revert to windows 7 for one game.

So here it comes, ladies and gentlemen, easy fixes for KotOR on the bizarre 10th window.Step 1:Now first thing you need to understand is that KotOR is old. We are talking about a game released in 2003,that was made for Windows XP at the time. So of course there are gonna be problems for next generations of OS. One of the biggest problems you can and will encounter is your game crashing at the very beginning, on the Lucas Art logo. This is an easy fix, you only have to things to do:1. Go to your swkotor/movies (or Star Wars - KotOR/movies if you have the GOG version)folder, and locate these 3 files: biologo.bik, leclogo.bik and legal.bik.

Rename them by changing the extension to.bik.old, and the files won't be run by the game anymore. No more crashes at start anymore, yayy!2. Now if it doesn't entirely work, you may want to run the swconfig program present in the swkotor, and check the Disable Movies. Of what I remember this should only disable intro movies, not the others, but I could be wrong on that and it could be forbidden in speedruns, so I will ask someone of the community on that.

While you are in this program by the way, check that V-Sync is enabled, it's really important to play the game properly.Step 2:Now another problem you may encounter is your game crashing on any single cinematic, or movie, however you want to call it. Because when the game launches a movie, it launches a video file and in a way creates a second window to the game. When it wants to come back however, Windows 10 doesn't follow and KotOR will end up crashing. To fix that you will need to put your game in windowed mode. It's not optimal depending on your pc or laptop but it's the best available choice. To do so, you will need 2 steps again:1.

Go into the root folder of the game and open swkotor.ini with a program like NotePad or WordPad. Scroll down to Graphics Options and find the option Fullscreen=1. Switch it to 0, but no, it's not over, there is more!2. Then under the Graphics Options section, add this line: AllowWindowedMode=1, save, and when you next launch the game, it should be in Windowed mode, and you won't crash on every movie.3. Lastly, if the game doesn't automatically launch in Windowed mode, you will just have to hit Alt+Enter and it will switch without crashing.Now you've done it, you have dodged 90% of the crashes you could encounter with KotOR on Windows 10.


If you encounter other problems, some really detailed and complete guides are up on the Internet to help you, but that's the base of it.Hope you enjoyed the guide,StrifeHeya everyone,I'm not sure if it was the good section to do this, but I didn't see any other so here I am. As you can see I'm not a runner of this game, not yet, but I have played countless hours on KotOR and I had the displeasure of trying to make it work on Windows 10. Now there are already guides on the internet, but I figured a guide here would be cool for people trying to begin the speedrun and not wanting to revert to windows 7 for one game. So here it comes, ladies and gentlemen, easy fixes for KotOR on the bizarre 10th window.Step 1:Now first thing you need to understand is that KotOR is old. We are talking about a game released in 2003,that was made for Windows XP at the time. So of course there are gonna be problems for next generations of OS. One of the biggest problems you can and will encounter is your game crashing at the very beginning, on the Lucas Art logo.

This is an easy fix, you only have to things to do:1. Go to your swkotor/movies (or Star Wars - KotOR/movies if you have the GOG version)folder, and locate these 3 files: biologo.bik, leclogo.bik and legal.bik.

Kotor 2 Mouse Not Working Windows 10

Rename them by changing the extension to.bik.old, and the files won't be run by the game anymore. No more crashes at start anymore, yayy!2. Now if it doesn't entirely work, you may want to run the swconfig program present in the swkotor, and check the Disable Movies. Of what I remember this should only disable intro movies, not the others, but I could be wrong on that and it could be forbidden in speedruns, so I will ask someone of the community on that. While you are in this program by the way, check that V-Sync is enabled, it's really important to play the game properly.Step 2:Now another problem you may encounter is your game crashing on any single cinematic, or movie, however you want to call it.

Because when the game launches a movie, it launches a video file and in a way creates a second window to the game. When it wants to come back however, Windows 10 doesn't follow and KotOR will end up crashing. To fix that you will need to put your game in windowed mode. It's not optimal depending on your pc or laptop but it's the best available choice. To do so, you will need 2 steps again:1. Go into the root folder of the game and open swkotor.ini with a program like NotePad or WordPad. Scroll down to Graphics Options and find the option Fullscreen=1.

Kotor 2 Mouse Not Working Pc

Switch it to 0, but no, it's not over, there is more!2. Then under the Graphics Options section, add this line: AllowWindowedMode=1, save, and when you next launch the game, it should be in Windowed mode, and you won't crash on every movie.3. Lastly, if the game doesn't automatically launch in Windowed mode, you will just have to hit Alt+Enter and it will switch without crashing.Now you've done it, you have dodged 90% of the crashes you could encounter with KotOR on Windows 10. If you encounter other problems, some really detailed and complete guides are up on the Internet to help you, but that's the base of it.Hope you enjoyed the guide,Strife Save© 2019.